This is a guest post by Klaragora of Girlz In Web, The NextWomen media partner in France. You can also read the original article in French here.
Last week, the groups HEC Entrepreneurship and HEC WEB organized a conference with the theme Opportunity, Creation & Development on the Internet: Lessons Learned From Entrepreneurs.
15 days ago at The Canteen, at an evening dedicated to the topic of geolocation, I made the acquaintance of Ly�s Ghamissou.
The roundtable on geolocation was not great, the speakers (Cityvox, Dismoio, Plyce, Restopolitain and Nomao) being reduced to self promotion in the absence of any high level view on the subject. It was a pity.
The meeting with Ly�s Ghamissou of HEC Entrepreneurship at The Canteen
However, as usual, a raft of interesting people were present. Most notably, I briefly saw our friend @ cath_woman and finally met again the newly turned�American @ mgef amongst many others.
And some added bonuses, like our friend Ly�s. The latter is active in one of the (many) HEC alumni networks, dedicated to entrepreneurs: HEC Entrepreneurship.
Everyone knows HEC, but not everyone is aware of the network of associations around the ultra-dynamic school
See their calendar, (which rivals mine in terms of density!) and read all their news here.
Quick Focus on HEC Women, HEC Web and HEC Entrepreneurship
Before getting to the main subject of this article (that evening?s conference), a quick focus on three of the HEC associations:
You?re probably already familiar with HEC Women, led by vivacious founder and managing partner Sophie Reynal, aka @ Reynal. Find her on her site, blog, and Twitter (@ hecaufeminin).
HEC Women are entrepreneurs already regularly in the spotlight (see this post for a list of women who created ?businesses and, at the same time, employment and value for their shareholders.?
Among the HEC graduates, some have gone through the module or masters course HEC Entrepreneurs, others have benefited from the HEC Incubator ?
HEC Women is about career workshops, it?s international, it?s about networking, meetings with remarkable women (such as Sophie), the prize ?Trajectories HEC Women?, a newsletter ?
There is also HEC Web, which brings together passionate graduates and web professionals. More on this next time.
Finally there is the Enterprise Centre, part of HEC Entrepreneurship, which summarizes the entire HEC ecosystem for entrepreneurs.
HEC Entrepreneurship brings together some 400 entrepreneurs and professionals, aiming to support entrepreneurs and to ?encourage and provide practical solutions to achieve their project or develop their business.?
Conference with Lessons Learned From Web Entrepreneurs
In this context, (ah we reach the famous conference!), a conference was organized on ?Opportunity, creation and development on the Internet: Lessons Learned from Entrepreneurs.?
Four contractors were showcased and in attendance, including:
Nicolas Cohen (Ms Entrepreneur H01), co-founder of, the first French marketplace dedicated to handmade products. A Little Market allows independent designers to sell their creations directly. Similar to in the United States, which has been one of the great successes of the past five years, one of the characteristics of these sites is that they grow through word of mouth ensured by their community (no traffic charge).
Philippe Duhamel (MBA 96), co-founder of A mashup of search engine Google, Salesforce, and Kompass, Kadeal is a new prospecting tool which identifies business and commercial contacts through semantic analysis of the B2B Web. In SaaS mode, to the delight of sales folks.
For the record, I refer you to the live-tweet # HECWeb that I used to feed from my account.
If you are interested in this topic, please post a comment; if there are volunteers, perhaps I?ll ITW Sophie Reynal ? why not?
Good afternoon!
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