The former Playboy Playmate posed in bikini during her photo shoot with Life & Style, showing off her newly tiny body. She revealed, "I was a size 2 or 4 before 'Dancing With the Stars' and now I'm a size 0. My waist is still shrinking! When you work out, you produce so much lactic acid, so my body always looks thicker and more muscular. Now that I've had a couple of weeks off, my body is fuller and looks better. I hope I'll look like this forever. But to be honest, I will never be satisfied!"
Wilkinson was very open about her struggle to lose the 60 lbs she gained while pregnant with son Hank and her stint on 'Dancing With the Stars' gave her that final boost to drop the excess weight. Returning to her former size isn't going to stop her from trying for baby number 2 with hubby Hank Baskett.
"Hank loves my new body," Kendra dishes. "He's ready [for another baby], but we're just having fun being young parents to Hank for now," she adds. "But we are having great sex! We're in the crazy-sex stage. Since 'Dancing With the Stars,' I want to get into all the skimpy lingerie!"
"I feel like I look so much better than I used to," she says, "I'm worried about gaining the weight back, but motherhood is worth it." If she does get pregnant, she says she will be more prepared this time. "I'm determined to be healthier and treat my body better."
For more on Kendra's weight loss and baby plans, pick up the latest issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now.
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